About the Owner
In March 1994, she was born into a family that had two sons and lived in the village of Crawley Down. Her childhood was like most children, being brought up around a tight family unit which had a number of pets. This included her own ginger tabby cat 'Casper' and their Bichon Frise 'Brandy'.
This became her get away after her parents separated in 1999. Her mum continued to bring up her two brothers and her, trying to make ends meet while working as a nurse in the NHS. There were times she would be the first one home after school, the welcome she got from Brandy and Casper made everything worth while.
In 2004, her family relocated to the village of Copthorne. The following year she started secondary school, with a passion to work with animals. Friends and family were always asking what she wanted to do after school. After some research she decided she wanted to be a vet nurse.
In 2009, she was to decide what she wanted to do after secondary school. This is where she found Plumpton College and applied for the level three diploma in Animal Management. They offered her a place but this was dependant on her grades. I must add she struggled through school, as Dyslexia runs in her family. That year she worked extremely hard and achieved higher than her predicted grades. This meant in September 2010, she was able to start the extended diploma in Animal Management.
The summer of 2011, while working part time. Love came into her life and her priorities changed. She didn't allow this to stop her current study and she got one of the highest grades in the year group with triple distinction* along with a level two diploma in Canine behaviour and a level 1 diploma in Dog grooming (These were optional on the course). Now that her priorities had changed, She didn't go on to university. Instead she started working in a nursery, which then led her on to support work.
In 2016, she had our daughter and 18 months later she had her son. She continued volunteering within Girl guiding through out the births of her children, and in 2017, started the planning of opening up a rainbow unit.
In July 2019, She went on a walk with a friend, that was walking a dog. This is when she realised how much she missed being around animals. This lead on to the idea of Animal Ark, and she launched in August of 2019.
She still worked in the care sector, as a night student support worker, with children and young people who have epilepsy, autism, and other life changing conditions. As Animal Ark grew and hours increased she reduced her hours as a support worker, and in November 2022. She was able to leave her night support worker role and go full time with Animal Ark - We look after them all.
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